Welcome to Newton Integrative Health Services
After 20 years as a family physician, I started NIHS in 2010 -- mostly to spend more time with each patient. This wasn't possible in traditional practices, where churning people through 15-minute appointments always left me feeling I could have helped so much more. That's not why I went to medical school.
I also came to see that modern medicine, in addition to its many wonders, has its limits -- and that my patients seem to have the best outcomes when we consider the best of both mainstream and alternative treatment models.
Finally, I learned through listening to my patients that our mental, emotional, and spiritual health have as much to do with our overall wellness and quality of life as does the condition of any part of our bodies. I wanted to be able to work with them as comprehensively as necessary for them to feel well. So I ventured out on my own and started Newton Integrative Health Services, and I've never regretted my decision for a minute.
In the years since, we’ve developed into a busy specialized practice for people who – in one way or another – are having difficulty feeling energetic. Many have thyroid or other hormonal imbalances that have not been effectively treated or have been challenging to detect via standard testing. Some have nutritional deficiencies or sensitivities to food or medication ingredients that they regular ingest. Some patients struggle with anxiety, stress, or depression, which in turn may compound their debilitating physical symptoms.
I would be glad to meet with you to discuss my approach and help you decide if you’d like to pursue care here. While I can’t guarantee a cure for what ails you, I will give you my best insights into what may be happening and why. And we'll discuss testing and treatment options to help get you on your way toward feeling your best self.
I welcome patients of all backgrounds into our practice, and I look forward to meeting you.
Rachel Katz, MD, BCFP, RD, CHt
About Dr. Katz

Rachel Katz, MD, BCFP, RD
Dr. Rachel Katz has been a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians since 1991, and a Diplomat of the American Board of Family Medicine since 1996. She trained at Brown University School of Medicine in Rhode Island, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and The Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston.
In addition to her M.D., Dr. Katz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition from Cornell University, and is a Registered Dietitian.
After 20 years as a primary care provider in traditional settings, Dr. Katz trained in functional medicine at Visions Health Care in Needham and Dedham, Mass., where she was a staff physician when it closed in 2015.
She completed a 15-month apprenticeship in the functional treatment of hypothyroidism with Dr. Ken Blanchard, a pioneer in the field.
Though she is a licensed and board-certified family physician, Dr. Katz does not practice primary care today. Instead, she focuses on functional and integrative medicine in her private practice, Newton Integrative Health Services.